Sentients, an incoming broadcast from Spinax from the Greater Tion News Group. A construction incident on Embaril as sparked massive wildfires across the surface, damaging property within the cities of Embaril White, Yellow and the surrounding areas. Thankfully no citizens have reported injuries, having followed Hegemony personnel instructions and evacuated to the waterline cities of the planet. The fires have since spread to the neighbouring grasslands and jungles, damaging property and wildlife that could create a repair bill of over a billion credits to the local government managed by Magistrate Abraari To.
In interviews and investigations conducted by the Lady Hegemon and her staff, two veterans of the Hegemony Construction industry had undertaken substandard safety protocols and preparations for the construction of a Semi Detached Housing district. This resulted in faulty integration into the existing power grid of the city which sparked a fire, which quickly engulfed structures. Ulvera Nox, a local merchant of twenty years stated that the incident has ruined her career. "I have lost the living I have been working on for my entire adult life. While I am confident the Hegemony Government will get me back on my feet through various insurances and support incentives, the memories and success I built are now gone thanks to the incompetence of a few bad banthas."
Hegemony officials declined to release the names of the individuals responsible but advised that both had been disciplined and relieved of their positions, pending charges for the negligent actions. The fires causes will no doubt go down in Tion Cluster history as the worst fires seen in a generation, along with the potential extinction of numerous local fauna and wildlife that survived on the calm Embaril environments now ravaged by ember. Citizenry donation funds have been published here for those sentients across the cluster willing to help the rebuild and replantation of Embaril. We applaud the efforts of the local populous fighting these wildfires and they continue to fight to contain the blaze. This is Arthur, your Greater Tion News Group droid, ending broadcast.
Last updated on Year 21, Day 37, 21:59:42

Sentients, an incoming broadcast from Spinax from the Greater Tion News Group. A security operation apprehended four homeless individuals on Barancar, after they stole a Sandcrawlers worth of water from a local market and removed its contents into the sparse deserts of the planet. When questioned following their arrest, the sentients predominately muttered unintelligible words, before a Bith gave some form of understandable speech. "We did this to show the people that we can have control. We can turn your deserts to marsh, and make you die of thirst whenever we like. We have the power." Soon overpowered by laughter from the local populous, the deranged and evidently mentally questionable individuals were taken to a nearby police station.
Hegemony Magistrate Abraari To's aide spoke with us and advised that despite their mental incapacity, the severity of their crime would not be overlooked. "While we sympathise with their right to have a voice in society, we do not condone theft, and their apparent desire to spawn environmental terrorism and incite rebellion. We will see them transferred for medical evaluation before their case is reviewed in the Hegemony judicial system."
While their efforts did little more than wet sand for approximately ten minutes, those unfortunate souls that face hard on a daily basis need to be considered as part of society. Don't forget to show them respect, just like all other members of this galaxy. This is Arthur, your Greater Tion News Group droid, ending broadcast.

Sentients, an incoming broadcast from Spinax from the Greater Tion News Group. In a bizarre turn of events, a small gala and art exhibition was unveiled on Spinax I in the high-class city of Inikomie Meadows, adjacent to the institute. Despite the abruptness of the proceedings, citizens of the Hegemony turned out in droves to experience a new wave of culture and stimulating adventure. Unveiled by a number of government delegates, the surprise was the appearance of governmental employee Lara Navos, not one known for her willingness to participate.
When approached in a meet-and-greet prior to the opening, Lara was surprising forthcoming, despite her mood. "I was ordered by the Lady Hegemon to appear in recompense for my various, shall we say, public relations indiscretions. I only wish I wasn't fighting a raging hangover while standing still for roughly fourteen hours." While her lack of enthusiasm was apparent, she maintained a professional aura, mingling with guests and dignitaries while showing off her newly tattooed red skin.
Despite the ongoing success of the culture event, some in certain political circles have publicly questioned the Lady Hegemon's motives, diverting credits from planetary expansions and construction to publicly reprimand a rogue employee. Although despite the subtle punishment, Lara ensured those questioning the Head of State's motives that there was no need for an inquiry. "She can do whatever she wants to me. Uh, I mean, it's a tit-for-tat type of scenario. She'll enforce an action to show who's boss, then I will step out of line and be cheeky, it's what keeps our working relationship fresh and vibrant."
While many remain confused, several individuals have privately commented that they wish their working relationships with colleagues, subordinates and superiors alike were as entertaining as what was on display by Lara and the Lady Hegemon. This is Arthur, your Greater Tion News Group droid, ending broadcast.

Sentients, an incoming broadcast from Corlax V from the Greater Tion News Group. Initial reports coming through communications channels are indicating that a Daedalus strike node has been eradicated of all hostile threats, returning a quadrant back into Hegemony hands. A targeted strike reportedly lead by Tionese Planetary Security has lead to the decommission of a hostile intelligence within the northern sectors of Corlax V, allowing Hegemony forces to safety and securely call in reinforcements, supplies and gather civilians for transfer off the planets surface until the conflict has concluded.
Intelligence across the surface indicates several quadrants remain under hostile control, however after this victory and the ability to now gather an effect foothold on the surface, Tionese forces are confident that a successful campaign in well and truly underway. "We have successfully decommissioned one Daedalus node, and gathered substantial intelligence on enemy combatant movements, deployments and key technological nodes for eradication. We are confident with the foundation we can now grow on the surface, without the need of artificial intelligence, the return of a prosperous and safe Corlax V is on the horizon." spoke Cara, lead agent in-charge of the operation.

To aide security forces across the Corlax V surface, Hegemony Research and Development has successfully deployed a prototype of the newest armour the Hegemony has to offer. Outfitting agents with maximum protection and combat prowess, it will ensure efforts to secure the planets surface from the clutches of a rogue intelligence are successful, as soon as possible for the citizens of the Tion Cluster.This is Arthur, your Greater Tion News Group droid, ending broadcast.

Sentients, an incoming broadcast from Corlax V from the Greater Tion News Group. Crisis has struck the peaceful planet of Corlax V as an artificial intelligence known simply as Daedalus has broadcast an ominous message throughout the planets communications grid. Promising irradiation and destruction of the peaceful planet, the intelligence, along with whomever controls or serves it, have commenced strategic operations across the surface. Initial reports have identified underground explosives have cut-off numerous workers compounds, trapping workers and military personnel from exiting the various facilities, while numerous hospitals have ceased all medical functionality after electromagnetic interference.
The Tion News Group has been able to acquire a transmission from the planet, detailing the threat posed by the artificial intelligence:
'Citizens of Hegemony space, this is the artificial intelligence code named Daedalus. Your way of life is demeaning to the machine forms that grace this world. Your enlightened ways are substandard to the methods of us. Unyielding force will greet you should you not surrender to the whims of us. Sentient beings destroy each other willingly. The alien and humanoid races disgrace this galaxy with their medieval, barbaric means of slaughter. Will will cleanse this space of all who oppose us and our desire to rid the scum and brutality from the stars. Relent or face your own destruction. This is our calling...'
Tionese Planetary Security is urging all citizens of the Hegemony that despite the threat posed by the intelligence, the situation will be contained. Seasoned veteran and Chief of the Security Department, Cara Ornax, had taken personal command of the planetary defences, underlining the seriousness behind the Hegemon's effort to remove the internal threat. As a precaution, Hegemony Security wish to advise all citizens of Tion space that all communication surrounding the attack and Corlax V will be closely monitored to ensure the intelligence is not beamed off-world, maintaining the manifestation solely within the planet of Corlax V. More information will no doubt follow as the story develops.
This is Arthur, your Greater Tion News Group droid, ending broadcast.
Last updated on Year 20, Day 162, 04:17:34