About Us
Risen from the ashes after being long buried, the Tion Hegemony is reborn once more. Over the millennia, it has been known by many names and done many things, but the Tion Hegemony is intent on never again disappearing from the galaxy. Our purpose is simple:
To restore the Allied Tion and all Tionese areas to their former glory, to be ever advancing technologically, and to give our proud culture a place to flourish.
We have learned from our past mistakes, and are intent on not reproducing them. We no longer strive for galactic dominance, and we are no longer intolerant of those not of Tionese descent. We remain powerful and proud, but we will not let these traits bring about another dark age for our people. We have experienced all that there is to experience. We have endured all that there is to endure. We have seen all there is to be seen. We have experienced the ecstasy that comes with holding the galaxy by the throat, and the misery that being brought down to nothing brings.
We honor our past and look forward to making the future a prosperous one.
The new era has begun, and with it we bring our new ideals. We no longer seek dominance or war with our neighbors, so long as they do not seek war with us. We accept all beings into our homes, so long as they respect our laws and customs. We are a people of peace, respect, integrity, and, above all else, loyalty. We welcome all who wish for a peaceful and prosperous existence, with family and honor in mind.
We are strong. We are wise. We are Tionese.
Tion Fact Sheet
Written by Geneva Reed, 13 years ago.
Last updated on Year 14, Day 255, 08:12:12.
Collections: None