Biography of Ha`warrah Marruun

Name: Ha`warrah Marruun
Callsign: Back To Work

Rank: Star Captain Adjutant (7)
Duty: Pilot
Dept.: Military / 1st Fleet
Faction: Tion Hegemony

Race: Sakiyan
Gender: Male
Age: 33

The Hunter. The Hunted.
This is my fate.


* * * * * * * * * *


Details of Marruun's childhood and adolescence are unknown.
His first appearance in an official galactic database occurred sometime during Yr 12
when he was employed as a crewman on a handful of independent merchant vessels in the Outer Rim,
never staying longer than a few months with any ship.
Finding himself on Cadinth II after becoming unemployed again,
he met a Tionese citizen at a spaceport bar who told him about the personal and professional opportunities in Tion.
Convinced, and ready to find a more tranquil and fulfilling life,
he signed a contract to join the Tion Hegemony Military on Yr 13, Day 322.
* * * * * * * * * *



Career Highlights
Yr 13, Day 324 -- Entered 3rd Fleet as a Recruit (1).
Yr 13, Day 338 -- Promoted to Guard Recruit (2).
Yr 14, Day 28 -- Promoted to Guardsman (3).
Yr 14, Day 86 -- Introduced the 4-satellite DSSN formation in Desargorr. Now the standard configuration in Tion space.
Yr 14, Day 98 -- Promoted to Veteran Guardsman (4).
Yr 14, Day 155 -- Promoted to Praetorian (5).
Yr 14, Day 200 -- Placed on Inactive duty.
Yr 16, Day 355 -- Reinstated and reactivated for duty with 3rd Fleet.
Yr 17, Day 35 -- Promoted to Elite Praetorian (6).
Yr 17, Day 89 -- Appointed 3rd Fleet Executive Officer (XO).
Yr 17, Day 94 -- Promoted to Star Captain Adjutant (7).



Personal Highlights
Yr 13, Day 340 -- First purchase on CPM. Nova Crystals from the Krath Dynasty.
Yr 14, Day 8 -- Purchased first ship, a YT-2000, from Bilbringi Shipyards.
Yr 14, Day 36 -- Given full ownership of residence on Abraxin. 178 Cloud Park, Mara Prime.
Yr 14, Day 38 -- Sold first CPM listing, a Corellian Star Shuttle, to Brand Malden.
Yr 14, Day 40 -- Met Santa Claus.
Yr 14, Day 96 -- Purchased first station, a Luxury Space Colony, from Caelestis Decmon. Construction to begin shortly.
Yr 14, Day 119 -- Construction of first LSC, 'Hideaway Haven ~ North', completed.
Yr 14, Day 149 -- Construction of final 'Hideaway Haven' LSC in the UVR deep-space village, completed.
Yr 14, Day 185 -- Found unconscious on the bridge of his fleet-assigned Namana, the NPC Depot, and diagnosed with the Metamorphosis virus.
Yr 14, Day 200 -- In a comatose state, is moved to the Carthas-Starfall Cryogenic Facility for long-time care.
Yr 16, Day 300 -- Awakens from coma.
Yr 17, Day 5 -- Purchased Employee Income City on Abraxin II.




~ ~ Hurry to meet Death before your place is taken ~ ~

 + + + + + + + + +
I have squandered my days with plans of many things.
This . . . was not among them.
But at this moment, I beg only to live the next few minutes well.
+ + + + + + + + +


Written by Ha`warrah Marruun, 13 years ago.
Last updated on Year 17, Day 96, 15:33:35.
Collections: Individuals