TMSI arose from humble beginnings. In the middle of Year 9, Gadon Trammer - founder of Frost Incorporated - purchased two shipyards at the auction sale following the bankruptcy of Mon Calamari Shipyards. Initially planning to simply lease the shipyards, Trammer was contacted by Jace Wolf who suggested the possibility of expanding the two shipyards into a larger business.
As he was also serving as President and Chief Executive Officer of Baktoid Armour Workshops at the time in addition to being a Confederacy of Independent Systems Senator, Trammer was initially reluctant to increase the size and complexity of his personal shipyard operations. However, after a few days of more careful consideration, he decided it was a feasible plan. Initially starting as a non-faction group, Frost Shipyards quickly expanded to a large enough point where it was finally publically listed as a faction on Year 9, Day 295 - the first publically listed faction of the Frost Incorporated group. Later, after the complany developed further and joined the Tion Hegemony as an affiliate, the High Command of Frost decided to rename their company to 'Tion Military and Science Industries'.
To date, TMSI has been very successful under the overall guidance of Chairman Gadon Trammer. From it's conception, TMSI has also seen a variety of skilled and dedicated CEO's ranging from the first, Saul Cohmre, Narren Desnar, Shane Darman, Andy Quick, Takao Asai, Abraari To, Stig'ray Morvo, and back to Andree Cyberdree today.
The Future is Bright as Ice for Tion Mil/Sci Industries.
Last updated on Year 19, Day 136, 00:58:14.