Join Us
In a galaxy with over two dozen governments and hundreds of other factions, it is hard to find a group fundamentally different from the others. But yet, Tion Mil/Sci Industries personifies that gem of uniqueness - in a special way. Tion Mil/Sci Industries's success today is made possible only by the dedication of its dynamic and welcoming members. In addition to paying a generous starting salary at 100,000 to 300,000 credits (300,000 to 700,000 credits following the completion of one mission), the owners and leaders of TMSI believe it is not only to the best interest of all involved, but only fair that hardworking loyal members at TMSI be justly compensated. To that end, 10% of each month's total profit is set aside to be divided fairly between all members who have served over three months. For each three months of service, each member get's one "redemption share". The total amount each person will get per share will be a quarter of the total profit per month divided by the number of redemption shares. In addition, as a member and ally of the Tion Hegemony and its nationalized factions and with numerous other contacts, members at TMSI will enjoy substantial discounts on a wide variety of goods and services. These include ships made by TMSI specially to sell to members at lower prices. In addition, members will also be given personal time and the use of faction ships to carry out their own wishes. TMSI is looking for individuals who are everything from pilots to prospectors to production managers. We welcome all levels of expertise and in addition to entry-level jobs, we also have a few directorial-level jobs available. Tion Mil/Sci Industries? Although being a shipyard without any unique data cards except for the generic "escape pod", TMSI strives to set itself apart from the other shipyard factions prevalent in the galaxy. Founded on the principle of consumer sovereignty, TMSI places the wishes of the customer forefront above all other considerations. This is best exemplified by the formal motto of TMSI: "Noblesse Oblige," "to serve," or better yet by our informal motto of "to freeze all concerns". Boasting an experienced management team and uncountable enthusiastic members, TMSI is best characterized by the following phrases: superbly organized, unbelievably efficient, and unquestionably active. With us, customers can truly relax as we "freeze any worries" they have as shown by our Centrepoint rating which has over 200 million credits worth of positive comments. At the same time, we emphasize a close-knit community of members who are not simply employees, but a part of our TMSI family. Why should you join? New employees start out at 100,000 to 300,000 credits and are eligible for a redemption share after three months of service and a 400,000 credit bonus after fourth months of service. After the completion of just one mission, members will be promoted to a salary of 300,000 to 700,000 credits! More than though, members are provided with a ship to use for faction work as well as a ship to use for their own pleasure during their free time (yes, we give our members free time!). For new players, we offer well-written training guides and experienced veterans at your service to help you learn the ropes of the game. For all players, we offer to match you up with a job you like - we don't simply you see as fodder to fill up some unpleasant position, but as valuable individuals who should be pursuing a job that they like. In addition, we offer many advancement opportunities - if you are active and have initiative, you can and will advance. An Experience Like No Other. How to Join
If accepted, you will receive a message that will tell you about what to do next (ie. match you with a job, how to register on forums, IRC, etc.). If you have any questions, definitely don't hesitate to DM myself or Andy Quick. |
DM Gadon Trammer | DM Andy Quick | Our Website | Our Forum | IRC Channel @ #cmg-tmsi |
Last updated on Year 19, Day 54, 13:03:59.