Belderone sector

The Belderone sector is located in the Outer Rim Territories, adjacent to the Greater Tion region. Coreward of the Thanium worlds, Belderone contains the newly re-discovered Belderone system. The entire sector is galactically recognized as sovereign and protected territory of the Tion Hegemony and her affiliate corporations. Although outside of Greater Tion, the sector elected to join the Hegemony after scout Octogo Kunn of Tion located the worlds of Belderone and Kulthis. 

Diplomatic contact was established between the Hegemony and the citizens of this sector by Dr. Crislyn Anessa Waryn, in her official capacity as a High Councillor of the Tion Hegemony. 

Written by Crislyn Anessa Waryn, 11 years ago.
Last updated on Year 17, Day 330, 19:23:23.
Collections: Sectors