Biography of Gida Freetaa

Name: Gida Freetaa
Callsign: Dangerous

Rank: ()
Duty: Former Citizen

Race: Twi`lek
Gender: Female
Age: 29

Gida Freetaa was born on Ryloth on year -4 day 168.  She was born to mother Alema and father Chee.  She lived a happy and safe life.  Her parents being warriors got her interested in becoming one at a young age. 

From a very young age Gida has always wanted to learn how to fight so at the age of 5 her parents started to teach he how to defend herself.  At the age of 8 she was let to borrow a vibroblade to help train her in the ways of becoming a warrior like her parents.

By the time Gida had turned 10 her parents had started to wonder if they could support themselves and their daughter Gida.  This brought on the thought of selling Gida into slavery to help themselves financially.  Gida would never forgive them for selling her as a slave.

She was sold to a hutt by the name of Attazz Fevall and was his slave.  She did not really seemed to fit as she was only 10 when she was brought to him.  This caused him to sell her to another hutt only after being with him for a year.  This continued until she was 16 when she was bought by Bruppe Zib.  She was an exotic dancer for the hutt, but by the time she was 18 she had grown tired of the lack of freedom.  Remembering what her parents had tried to teach her she decided to kill the hutt and escape to get some freedom.  Gida started gathering everything she thought she might need to kill Burppe secretly as to not arise any suspicion.  After about a year Gida had everything and killed Burppe.

Killing Burppe did not get her the freedom she was hoping for because as she tried to escape she was captured and sold to another hutt by the name of Tranya Drish.  Gida did not want to be a slave anymore so she decided to kill everyone and escape, so in secret so decided to kill everyone there so that she could get out.  At the age of 20 about a year after attempting escape from slavery she manages to do it by killing everyone during the night that could stop her. 

Leaving Tranya’s place of residence Gida roams the city and manages to find something that would allow her to change out of her slave outfit.  It was what most would call rags but to Gida it was better than her reviling slave outfit.  Having a new outfit she wanted to get far away from this city however possible.  Gida found how to get out of the city by seeking onboard a ship and taking it to where ever it was going. 

When it landed at its next destination Gida decided to get off the ship and see if she could start a new life here.  The starport told her that she was in the city of Meeshae on the planet Voss.  This interested her so she decided to explore the city to see if she was able to find anyone that might be able to help her on her quest for a new life.  While exploring the city she notices a female human in her mid-20s with brunette hair with a long elegant dress, long enough that at first glance did not notice the fact that she was without shoes, coming out of the recruitment office.  As Gida got closer she noticed her purple and gold force-pike and ornate sword and got nervous.  She knew though that if she did not get to talk to her she might be wandering the streets for hours if not days without anything to do.

“Ma’am do you think you have a job for a Twi’lek warrior” Gida had asked the mysterious lady.  “I think I can find something for you, and by the way I am Lady Chancellor Stephanie Barefoot-Rhode but you can call me Stephy.” said Stephy.  “Well thank you Stephy, I am Gida Freetaa by the way.” mentioned Gida.  “We have openings with mining, production, medical, and construction but I feel you will be better suited for our military.” said Stephy.  As they entered the recruitment office Gida mentions that it would be great, so Stephy handed Gida the paperwork to fill out to become a member of Tion’s military.  “You have been assigned to Tion’s 1st fleet which at the moment is being run by Isla Chayes whom I have mentioned you have joined her ranks, here is your first mission, and here is Tion’s military recruit uniform to allow you to get out of those rags.” Said Stephy.  “Thank you for giving me a chance, I will not disappoint” Gida said just before walking out and getting right to work.

Written by Gida Freetaa, 9 years ago.
Last updated on Year 17, Day 265, 00:05:41.
Collections: Individuals